Saturday, March 12, 2005


Use Blackboard (Bb) to foster "informed registration"

But both "Schedule of Classes" and the Hunter Catalog provide only limited information about the actual content, the requirements, the teaching approach, the textbooks used, and other aspects of the courses. Therefore, I would like to repeat my semi-annual appeal to provide better information for students so that they are at least able to pick the courses which best meet their needs. Having students show up for class who already know what to expect is in the best interest of faculty as well. This is a win-win situation which requires only a small investment in advance planning on part of the faculty.

Also, announcing textbooks and other course materials early gives students a chance to shop for the best prices, e.g., via the Internet and using such valuable information sources as .

In practical terms, such information can be easily provided via Blackboard (Bb) course sites -- even if the instructor does not intend to use Bb for the actual course. Bb is convenient to provide students with ONE place to look for information on ALL courses. And learning how to put on some basic information on a Bb site takes about 10 minutes for even computer-challenged instructors (learning to use Bb more fully, of course, would require some more time).

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